128 Great Road, Bedford, MA, 01730
Sample Notes/Domino Java program — This example shows how to write a Java program under Eclipse that can run in two ways: as a standalone application, or as a set of class files imported to a Notes/Domino agent. The example includes a configuration database, which you can extend, proper error handling, and a Notes logging database. The code is well-documented, so you can modify it for your applications. This work builds on a previous example by Bob Balaban (www.bobzblog.com).
Domino XPages Part2 — This database shows additional features of Xpages in Domino 8.5.
Introduction to Domino XPages — This pair of databases show a simple "hello world" style Xpage in Domino 8.5.
Research Notes Tool — This Notes/Domino application helps to track and organize references and ideas for academic research. On my speaking page are Powerpoint slides from a talk I gave about this tool.
Zip Codes for Notes/Domino — This database design gives you everything you need to import, store, and look up US zip codes. You can do manual lookups in various convenient ways, or programmatic lookups for automatic zip code handling in your application. Also included is data about counties, longitude, latitude, and elevation.
A Java implementation of the Gale-Shapley algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem. I wrote this for my Comp160 Algorithms course at Tufts in December 2007. A key feature of this implementation is very well documented code, useful for someone learning about this problem. Here is the readme, source code (change the .txt extension to .java after downloading), class file, and some test input for 2, 3, 5, and 10 pairs.
Flexible Data Export from Notes — An improved version of my popular mail-merge example. This sample allows you to define any number of data export configurations within a Notes application. The data can be used by Microsoft Word or Excel, or just about any other program. Users can create their own data export setups, without programmer help! (The zip file contains both ND6 and ND5 versions.)
Database Usage Report — This example shows how to create a report of Notes database usage for any set of servers. The report sorts by least-used first, making it easy to find databases that can be archived and removed, and includes the probable names of the database owners. (Requires version 6 or 7 client.)
Month / Quarter Sorting in a View Column — This Notes application shows how to solve the tricky problem of creating a Notes view column that categorizes data by month or quarter.
Things To Do 2 — This Notes application is a simple, but useful, task tracking system for individuals and teams. The database design is a revision of my original version that I created while working at Lotus in the early 1990s.
Bedford High School Grading — This Excel spreadsheet calculates grade point average, course-weighted GPA, and honors at Bedford (MA) High School.
Notes to XML, and Back Again — This sample database, with its embedded LotusScript, shows how to export Notes documents as XML, and how to import XML as Notes documents. The fidelity of the import/export is very high, and this test bed allows you to try out the fidelity of any Notes construct (actions, buttons, links, pictures, tables, etc.) The download only works for Notes 6.0 or later.
Mail Merge from Notes to Microsoft Word — Mail merge is one of the most frustrating topics for computer users. I have been asked countless times for a simple solution from Notes to Word. Here it is. This sample will export any set of fields, from any set of Notes documents, into an export file with any name. An accompanying Word file shows how to use the exported data. (This method also works unchanged for export from Notes to Excel.)
Dynamic Subforms — A sample database that demonstrates how to design dynamic subforms for a Notes/Domino application. The list of subforms used is controlled by simple setup parameters, and any subform can be turned on/off by fields in the active document.
R6 Upgrade Checklist — A Notes database that guides you through the process of upgrading Domino/Notes to R6. The database is easy to customize and expand, so it can be tailored to suit your process or used for any similar project.
HIPAA Security Audit Tool — A Notes atabase that guides you through the process of completing a computer security audit for the HIPAA (healthcare) law.
DB Mover 2.3 — A tool for moving databases from an old server onto a new, replacement server. DB Mover performs all of the tasks that you want in this situation, including creating a pointer from the old database to the new, setting the old database to be read-only, and changing the launch properties of the old database. New features (2.x) include the ability to move entire directories quickly and robust logging of each move.
Agent Installer — A Notes database that can automatically install (and uninstall) agents to another database.
Passwords — A Notes database that generates long, random passwords. These passwords are useful as initial passwords for new user accounts. They are so difficult to type that users will want to change them immediately, which is what you want them to do.
This page has been one of the most popular on my site for many years. Programmers around the world (especially in the Lotus space) come here for useful tools and code samples.